Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Spam and Extremes

So what is up with the email spammers? Are they just hoping they'll find someone who fits the demographic they are trying to target? Are they just dumb? I just have to wonder why they send me e-mails for certain male body part enhancements, or the most recent one containing (I assume, based on the title) pictures of black singles. This last one made me laugh as a.) I am not black and b.) I am not single.

Anyway. I wanted to share a bit that I found in the paper this morning. It was a teeny tiny article entitled "Breast called best infant food source." I thought the title was funny since this fact, I think, has been pretty well established already. And being a big proponet of breastfeeding, I read it, and was quite frankly, upset. It started out like this:

"Warning: Public health officials have determined that not breastfeeding may be hazardous to your baby's health."

WHAT? Hazardous? Shoot, I was bottle fed, and I seem to be doing fine...

It concluded with the following:

"A two-year national breast feeding awareness campaign that culminated this spring ran television announcements showing a pregnant woman thrown off a mechanical bull during ladies' night at a bar-- and compared her behavior to failing to breastfeed."

WHAT? Feeding your baby formula is like drunken bar antics?

Ridiculous. Who are these people?

Breastfeeding is a good thing, and I have nursed both my babies. I think it's great and I think more women should do it. But this is bad advertising. What about the women who want to, but for some reason can't breastfeed? Or the other mommies who simply choose not to? Can we alienate them any more please? Are we trying to damage women here, or are we trying to promote breastfeeding? This kind of advertising is not responsible at all, it is simply hurtful. How many mothers are going to be made to feel guilty about their choices or their inabilities from these kind of promos?

Why does out society have to take everything to the extreme?

There are many mothers out there, all of whom make different choices and have different parenting styles, but the common thread among us is that we are women and mothers trying to do the very best we can. This kind of media only serves to pit us against each other, kind of like the whole working mom versus stay at home mom debate.

It makes me sick. What do you think?


Kathryn Thompson said...

Ooooo! That makes me so mad. I cannot believe the ignorance and intolerance of people. There are many reasons a woman might chose or be forced to use formula and although I think it's helpful to point out the benefits of breastfeeding, it is far from accepetable to condemn women who are unwilling or unable to do so.

the lizness said...

I just have to say that I really like how you end most of your posts with a question, it invites conversation.

I know that many of my real life friends find breastfeeding repulsive, but they are in for a shock when I have kids and not only breastfeed, but we plan to cloth diaper too. I'm betting I won't have many takers for a babysitter, but each family has to do what is right for them. And I don't want to depend on WIC to provide my child's formula when God gave it to me free.

That is not an announcement, by the way. :)

WarriorWife said...

I don't think any mothering decisions should be based on guilt or comparison with other families.

That's one reason why I haven't decided if I'll ever breastfeed children I may have. I'm leaving that one for a situational decision.

Erin said...

I'm a firm believer in breastfeeding and sometimes from other mom's feel weird that I breast my kids until they are one. My sister-in-law on the other hand has fed her 3 kids formula, but I'll give her credit, she tries with each one and will continue to do so, but so far she doesn't produce enough milk, and then her babies get used to the bottle. But I think making someone feel bad and guilty about their choices is NOT the way to get women to choose to breastfeed their kids. They should do it because they want to, or it's not going to be a good experience. You think this campaign was thought of by a man, or maybe just some really stupid lady.

Emily said...

this is unrelated to breastfeeding;

i just had to say that i get tons of those crazy spam messages too! i'm always baffled by them....i'm married and don't need a dating service -- and why on earth would you think we'd need all those foreign prescription drugs? lol

Unknown said...

Good post, Stephanie. I'm with you all the way on this.

Anonymous said...

Being one of those mothers who wanted to breastfeed and really didn't have enough to feed my child (one Princess Mom), I think women should not be made to feel guilty one way or the other. God made us all different and it really is in his hands as to whether we can or can't. I happen to agree with my daughter in her voicing of her views.