Monday, July 24, 2006


I am a blog slacker, it is true. BUT...

The pictures of the pink living room are coming... I don't have a digital camera, so I do things the old fashioned way. With a film camera and a scanner. Expect them Friday... They are coming.

And I have funny kids.

Tonight Reenie had one of those glowstick bracelets. She was putting the plastic connector in her mouth and then pulling it off the stick with her teeth. It made a sound and she then informed me, "I made it fart." Yeah, she's not quite 2 yet.

Then later she was telling us that we were all robots. E comes in and says, "Don't be so DAFT. We're not robots we're boys and girls." Daft? Don't know where that came from. Funny though. Charming asked him who was a boy, and he said, "E." Then Charming asked him who was a girl. Reenie. "And who else is a girl?" he asked, to which E replied, "Who's a lady? Mommy."

The pictures are coming soon, and hopefully a better post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anyone in their last month of pregnancy is not a slacker if they're still breathing. Breathing and sustaining the life of their 2 other children=heroism.