Saturday, October 22, 2005


Well over all, today was a great birthday.

Checked my email this morning to find birthday wishes from Clairol and also an actual person friend. Somewhat disappointing (happy for Christy's email), but the day improved.

After buying the cutest baby dress ever, we went to a baby shower for my husband's brother's wife, Kali. We played baby shower pictionary. I got to draw "rectal thermometer."

Then we came home and cleaned up the house and had my party. Some friends from high school came, some college roommates, and my good friend Andrea came with her family. Everyone came at kind of staggered intervals, so I got good one-on-one time with all. It was great.

The best gift I got was from the hub who made me a cute card and poem which ended by saying his real gift is that he's going to get me a diamond for my wedding ring.

Then I got my cards in the mail. My mom sent me her old wedding ring, so that I can use the diamond in my setting. Cha-ching. I also got cards from my dad and dad-in-law. Cha-ching. Now I have a diamond and enough money to do Creative Memories. It was a pretty good twenty-fifth.

And the kids were well-behaved all day.

And they enjoyed the cake.


Kathryn Thompson said...

Happy Birthday! I wish I were there. Me want cake.

Heather said...

Happy Birthday to you! Thanks for the comment on the blog. I'm sure those women are not real. Woods Cross, huh? It seems to me from my h***ish days as a drill team advisor that your High School out there has a pretty good drill team. Other than that, I've no idea where you're actually located.

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Well, Kathryn, we still have cake. I'd send it to you, but well you know. Instead, I give you permission to buy some and justify it to your husband by saying it was Stephanie's birthday on Saturday.

Woods Cross, Heather, is about 10 minutes north of SLC.