Friday, October 07, 2005

Kitchen Item

Kathryn (and also Blackbird) had a post about the kitchen item she could not live without. As I thought about the kitchen item that would cause my sudden death were it to leave me, I struggled. If my entire kitchen were to vanish, I would probably still survive in this world of ours. But then my mind recalled an event from the previous evening.

I was making rice. I had already put 1 cup of rice into the pan of boiling water and I needed another half of a cup, but we were out. Well, we still had some of our food storage rice. Our food storage rice was in a big white container that looked like this:

Now for those unfamilar with food storage, let me just say that these are not the easiest types of bins to open. I called my husband and asked him how to open it. No clue. I did what I thought I was supposed to do to open it--I took a screwdriver and went around trying to break each of the little notches where the lid said "break here to open." I tried this several times. It absolutely was not working to the point that I was practically injuring myself. Now keep in mind that this is all while most of the rice is already on the stove cooking and Serena is sitting on the floor screaming, wanting me to open some bottled water for her to make a mess with. I am beginning to think that should we need our food storage, in an emergency or something, we are all going to starve. So I got pretty frustrated as I really needed that last half cup of rice quick if I didn't want to ruin the dinner's rice. So our rice bin now looks like this:

So, even though it is very boring, and not exciting, the kitchen item that I cannot live without is this:

1 comment:

blackbird said...


you should have let me know that you were playing show and tell with us!

That's some bin o'rice you've got there. Your family will certainly be well prepared in, um, the event of a, um, big RICE shortage...

the knife is handy too.