Monday, October 17, 2005


Well, people, it's Monday morning. Confession time. Here are a couple of things I bet you didn't know about me:

1. I like cottage cheese.
I don't LOVE it. But I like it. It's a pretty good breakfast when combined with fruit from a can, it goes well in casseroles, and on salads. There I said it. I like it.

2. I am OCD when it comes to the way I load my dishwasher.

Prince Charming hates loading the dishwasher because he knows I will come in and rearrange everything to the way I feel is correct.

3. I wish more people would read and comment on my blog.
There it's out. I blame myself. I'm not all that willing to take the time to read and comment on tons of blogs, so why would anyone else?

4. I want a puppy
Yes, I want a dog. More than I want another child, I want a puppy. Sort of. I don't want to clean up dog poos, but I want one all the same.

Well, that's it for today. I guess you'll have to wait until next week to see what I fess up to next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, as I was researching your inner-most desires, I ran across your "confession" to have more comments on your blog. Here it is Princess. Yet, now that I've actually reached the stage where I am to write something clever my mind is drawing a blank. I know that you already love me, so it's not like I need to say anything to impress. I do like that story of the nephew and his milk fetish. He is a sly one.

I will say this, sister, to hear that you have been housing a liking for cottage cheese offends me deeply. I would have expected more from you. It is a well known fact that cottage cheese is cleverly disguised as it's own original product, when it is really just balled up cream cheese in goo. I will not support a cheese who's deception runs so deep, and frankly, neither should you.

That is all that I feel needs to be said at this juncture. I hope I was not to harsh about your secret cheese. Love you!

You know who!