Monday, November 07, 2005

Almost Forgot

It is Monday afternoon, and I almost forgot to fess up. I have avoided the internet today, because I had Things to Do.

1.There is a dead fruit fly in my liquid dish soap
It's true. In the snap open lid on my liquid dish soap there is a dead little insect. We have had the soap since before we had a dishwasher-- in our student family housing days. The bug has been in there since at least then-- I'd say 2 years or so. I could get him out, but he's been in there so long. Why bother him?

2. I do not sit right next to the tub when my toddlers bathe
Most of the time Charming actually bathes the kids, so this usually applies to him, but you know how they always say "sit by the tub, never leave the kid unattended in the bath"? Well, I don't. Now, don't call CPS on me! I usually am in the room, or a room away watching them. They just take such looooong baths. Am I bad mom?

3. I like to pop zits
Yes, it's gross. Don't tell me you don't get sick pleasure from it! Remember that kid in high school who had big nasty zits with huge heads on them? You know who I am talking about-- every high school had at least one. I always just wanted to pop those for him. I am sometimes sad that my big zit days are gone-- almost. I think it's kind of fun to pop one of those babies and watch the zit "juice" hit the mirror. Now that you are thoroughly grossed out, I will stop.

That's all I got.

NANOWRIMO word count: 9910


Kathryn Thompson said...

You are doing a fabulous job of nanowrimo. I envy your hardworkishness.

Stephanie said...

MF-- the bug's just in the lid. No soap touches him. Yes, I do.

DO- Thanks. My hardworkishness may soon become outofideasishness.

Heather said...

Go, Stephanie, Go!!!