Friday, January 20, 2006

Bank-o Crap-io Excus-o

Okay, so check this out.

Just before Christmas, Charming got a reimbursement check from his work in the amount of about $400. He signed it and took it to be deposited, but was unable to because the bank was closed. Sometime during his outing, however, he lost said check, and we forgot about it until we returned home from our vacation and started looking into the matter.

It turns out that someone else deposited it.

This is awful in oh so many ways. Well now the bank, who has a copy of the check and knows what day the check was deposited is saying they don't know who deposited it. Well it wasn't us, folks. The date the check cleared we were in Sunny Florida. But this is preposterous to me that they should not know who deposited it. Absolutely ludicrous. In a day and age of computers, databases and good recordkeeping why would they not know who deposited said check?

Charming mentioned that it was perhaps a privacy issue. I countered by saying the depositor had done something illegal. Or immoral at the very least. And though Charming has a fairly common name, this person may not even have had his same name. They wrote no account number on the back of the check or even bothered to endorse it, but it is possible that they just deposited it via the ATM machine and the bank didn't even confirm that the info matched.

But I am sure they have a confirmation number or something associated with that check and it would but take a few quick strokes of the key to pull up the information. If they don't, you can sure as heck bet that I ain't banking with them anymore.

And here's another thought-- what if the person that did this is really needy and poor and could use the money more than us? I would feel bad about this, dishonest though they may be. I would not say they were justified in it, but I would feel bad about making a big deal about $400 that would make my life easier, but not at all needed. But then, they could have been poor and used the money to buy Nikes. Then I would be mad. Well I am mad anyway. Mad at the dishonest person and mad at the bank.

Mostly I just want this matter cleared up.

That's my drama for the day. Any thoughts? What would you do?


Kathryn Thompson said...

They HAVE to know!

Stephanie said...

Well apparently now Mike has to go in to the bank (with a copy of the check)and fill out some kind of fradulence/theft form. Which is of course needless paperwork nonsense.

Ortensia Norton said...

I would be irrational and upset and make my husband sort it out b/c I coudn't think of what to do. I would be SO annoyed and upset b/c I WANT THE $400. I thought you had to sign cheques infront of the teller. I think in this day in age where we all want speedy service, banks let things slide...unless you need the favour, then they stick to the rules!