Thursday, January 12, 2006


Our new printer is a little bit dramatic...

She makes a lot of noise while she "warms up"(I guess that's what she's doing). She takes for flipping ever, people, I guess she wants everything to be "just right." And then out of nowhere-- BAM!!! She grabs the paper loudly and thrusts it forth as she transforms its blankness into a pattern of black (or colored!) characters.

It scares me a little. She's a little overenthusiastic. And yes, I was startled when she finally decided to print something after her lengthy preparation.

Good Printer, though. Highly Recommended.


Kathryn Thompson said...

Ooooo.....we want a good printer so bad. Our parents got one for us for Christmas and we're too scared to open it. Weird.

Stephanie said...

Yeah, what's up with that?