Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My kids offcially stink at hide and seek

Last night found me curled in a ball of laughter.

Charming and the kids were playing hide-and-seek for the first time ever.

Charming would hide in very easy to find him places. The kids would sit on the stairs and make loud sounds (I guess they thought it was part of the game) and then come out to find Daddy. They would get so close to where he was and then turn around and not see him. It was awesome.

Later we played it in their room. Charming hid behind the train table and you could see his back arching over the top of it. Reenie walks in, doesn't see him and walks out. E then finds him. They play again. Reenie leaves and E stays in the room with his eyes closed and counts to ten. Charming hides behind the chair and E is baffled when he opens his eyes. He disappeared. He looks around and then leaves the room.

E eventually came back and did find Daddy when Charming made the chair rock, but the best part was yet to come-- E's turn to hide. He hides in Daddy's original hiding spot behind the train table. Charming comes in after counting to ten and E waits about .5 seconds then jumps up saying, "You found me!" So he hides again. Same place. Same outcome. Only this time Charming pretends he can't see E and keeps looking in different places. E continues to jump up and down saying, "I'm here! You FOUND me!" Oh so funny.

And oh so few skills at the hide-and-seek.


Jeff said...

When we play hide and seek, my three year old does the same thing. When the person who is it says 'ready or not here I come'. she will say with excitement "I'm hiding in the closet"!

the lizness said...

oh that is so funny

my sister and I were skinny once upon a time, so we'd play and I'd go crawl under my covers and lay as flat as I could and pretend to be invisible. so fun.

Brooke said...

I love how my daughter thinks I can't see her if she's covering her eyes while she's scrunched in a ball in the middle of the floor.

Or if she's about to do something naughty she says "Don't see me!"

WarriorWife said...

So cute! and you write so well! I can just see your husband and kids having so much fun and you laughing your guts out. :)

I also think it's so funny that E can run your DVD player, but can't play hide and seek--oh how the world is changing...

Kathryn Thompson said...

My kids are awful too. Laylee curls up in a ball, hides her eyes and thinks we'll never find her.

emlouisa said...

It's moments like that that make me so so happy! I love the giddy-learning-new-things excitement!

emlouisa said...

It's moments like that that make me so so happy! I love the giddy-learning-new-things excitement!

Erin said...

S, when it's his turn to hide always laughs the whole time, so you can hear where he is hiding even if you can't see him.

Sharon Hinck said...

Is is horrible if I admit that I used Hide and Seek to create some Mommy time? Sometimes I asked my kids if they wanted to play...and I agreed to be "IT." After they went to hide, I curled up on the couch with a good book and had at least fifteen minutes of total "me time" before they began hollering clues since I was so inept at seeking. LOL!
Sharon Hinck
Mom-lit author