Friday, July 14, 2006

Nesting part deux

So, I realized something about my nesting... nothing I am doing has anything to do with the baby. It's all just random stuff I have wanted to do for awhile. I'm not painting the nursery or sorting through baby clothes, I am just decorating my house. Any ideas on why this is?

I feel blessed to be pregnant. I am excited for our new arrival and just glad that I have never struggled with fertility issues. And yet... I am miserable. I just am not loving being pregnant right now. I am tired, I have a bazillion contractions a day, the extra weight is taking its toll, I can't eat anything without some kind of stomach incident... ick-a-roo. I am literally counting the days... and struggling through every one. And to make things worse, Charming's place of employment has just decreed that they own him for the next week or more and that he can never come home again. Okay, not those words exactly, but might as well have been.

Uggh. So much to do. So no help from an absent hubby. But the family room is looking fabulous. I've been stenciling.


Nicole said...

I want to see some pictures of all the beautiful decorating your doing, especially that dining room.

Sorry that the hubby is gone. I think my husband used to work at the same place. They would quite often announce quite uncerimoniously that they owned him too, on a regular basis.

Tammy said...

Hi Stephanie...I'm passing through (I'm bloghopping again tonight!) and just wanted to say I totally understand how you would feel miserable at the moment! I saw the beautiful pictures before, but this is only my second visit, so am not sure when you're due...but from what I'm gathering, it's soon!
Hang in there...and hey, I bet your stenciled walls are looking gorgeous!

Kathryn Thompson said...

Again I say, Pictures?

Zoe said...

Hi! I found you through JD's blog. It looks like you and I are at the same point in our pregnancies!! With the same complaints! I am with you girl. It is hard sometimes to be upbeat at this point but, the prize is within reach. Soon we will be able to bend again, we won't have heartburn/indegestion, we will sleep through the night, oh, the list goes on and on. I can't wait for us :) to have our babies. I am in Saratoga Springs so I doubt that we will run by each other in the hospital. I will think of you though!

Lara said...

Do you think you could face the delivery if you hadn't just gone through nine months of H E Double Toopick?

Somehow all the misery makes the delivery seem easy.