Thursday, June 08, 2006

In the News

Note: This was YESTERDAY's post, but blogger was being, umm, less than helpful...

So, I have decided that for at least the next 5 posts or so, that I will NOT be talking about my children. I love them, and they are darlings, BUT, I am going to use a different part of my brain on this blog for the next week or more.

So today, I will share some of what I read in the paper. First there was a classified ad for kittens which read: "Kittens- 8 mixed breed, 6-8 weeks old, male and female. $3 or best offer." The part that sruck me as funny was the "or best offer." If you are only asking 3 bucks, are you really thinking someone is going to try and haggle you down to a lower price? "Hmm, 3 is a bit steep how about $2.50?" Or maybe they were just hoping that someone would walk in and say, "Nope, this kitten is worth at least a hundred dollars. I won't buy her for anything less." I think they could have saved themselves on the ad price and left that bit off...

And then there were a couple articles about the "day of the devil" which apparently was yesterday, 6/6/06. Some 700 people on wagered $2 that the world would end, and a spokesman for the site stated, "come rain sleet or snow or apocalypse, our clients will recieve their winnings." But probably not if the world ended, right? They should have just bought a couple of candy bars instead of placing their bets, I think.

A movie about the devil's child came out yesterday too, and some expectant mothers fought tooth and nail to keep their own babies from being born on the day of the beast. One woman went into labor Monday and by Tuesday still had not given birth. She had this to say, "We were going to try to get it out before midnight or I was going to keep my legs closed. I don't want her to have that stigma for the rest of her life. When she gets older, her friends would say that anything bad would be because of her birthdate." Who thinks like this? Give me a break. Since I and many other people were blissfully unaware of Satan's day yesterday, I really don't think her friends would say stuff like that. If they were good friends anyway.

I just don't get into speculation and superstition. It's a waste of time.

Although I will say, when I was 19 I was a little nervous on New Year's Eve of 1999. I was at a party and shortly after midnight the power went out. Of course it was rigged by the kids that lived there. Good for a laugh, and then guess what? The world didn't end and all fall apart.

So while I am not too worried about end of the world, I think I may be placing an offer on some $3 kittens. Think they'd take $1.50?


Kathryn Thompson said...

Okay. I would be freaked out if my kid was born that day. What can I say? Numbers are a big deal to me. And I wouldn't pay a penny over $2.73 for one of those kitties

Mrs. Andrews said...

I don't get the whole day of the devil thing either. However, I wouldn't want my baby to be born on that day. just the stigma that would go with it. I wouldn't want that! Anyway, I definitely would try to get those guys to go down on the price for the kitties!!!

Emily said...

i guess i wouldn't have even noticed it was 6-6-06 if there hadn't been all the media hype surrounding it. what can i say, i'm clueless!

the lizness said...

would that be $3 per kitten or the whole lot? Because $3 for the lot of 8 kittens would be such a steal, you know, 8 kittens of such mixed and uncertain breed go for top dollar.