Monday, June 19, 2006

My son, the sailor

When I was in junior high, my favorite anime show was Sailor Moon. My husband, knowing this, has in the past purchased Sailor Moon videos for me that are now in our collection that we let our kids watch.

E has recently developed a love of Sailor Moon. More specifically, he seems to really like Sailor Venus (seen at right). He often puts a yellow blanket on his head, like it is hair, and calls himself Sailor "Pena." He means Venus, but either he can't say the V or he doesn't hear/comprehend it on the t.v. show.

And so the following humorous dialogue that occured as we were getting ready for bed:

E: (wearing his hair) Look at me, I'm Sailor Pena!
Charming: I hope this doesn't affect him later on in life. That show has enough gender confusion as it is. (Mock femmy-man voice) Hi, I'm Sailor Venus...
E: (jumping on the bed) I'm Sailor Peni---s!
Charming: Oh, blog.
E: I'm Sailor Peni---s!
Charming: That's be a different kind of sailor. No worries.

Yeah, that's him. My son the sailor. Mmm-hmmm. My son, the Sailor Man-part.


Anonymous said...

Oh the Joys of little boys. My Son S is always talking about his man parts and if his sister has them or not. Thanks for the funny post.

Kathryn Thompson said...

ROFL! Dude.