Thursday, June 15, 2006


This is going to go down as my second most embarassing moment. (Followed only by my having to read aloud all about erections in my 6th grade $ex ed class).

So I was at the Smith Meyer's today with my kids in their double wide stroller. I needed to buy a white sheet so I headed back to where the sheets were. In order to get to the linens, I had to pass through a bunch of tables with clearance stuff on them. As I passed by one of the tables, the stroller wheel tapped some kind of bucket that was next to the table and the opposite end of the table collapsed. All kinds of dishes and glassware slid to the floor and broke. In slow motion.

I was mortified.


But the worst part is this: there was an employee lady doing some kind of inventory and when it happened she just looked at me. She gave me the dirtiest look I've seen in a long time, and did NOT SAY A SINGLE WORD TO ME.


What was I supposed to do? I just stood there. I really couldn't offer to pay for the stuff, since if the table's had been properly locked, it wouldn't have fallen down. I wasn't going to help pick it up since I am pregnant and had my kids with me. Another lady who had been looking at the dishes when the event happened, but made no attempt to save the table (since she was near that end) disappeared almost immediately after it happened, and I just stood there not knowing what to do.

And then I walked away.

This was a difficult decision, but I didn't know what else to say. Grinch lady didn't say anything to me, didn't indicate that I was to help, didn't smile and tell me not to worry about it, she just scowled at me like I was flipping pond scum.

iWait, t gets better.

I still needed to get the sheets, so I went to where they were. Another employee had come to help the crabby one and a man walked by and commented about the mess. The second employee lady said, "Well, the legs lock in place."

To which the man replied, "I guess they must not have been, if the table fell down."

And she commented back, "I don't know," in a sort of I-am-sure-they-were-secure-and-if stupid-customers-would-be-more-careful-I-wouldn't-be-on-the-floor-picking-up-broken-glass sort of voice.

Apparently Smith Meyer Witches One and Two were not having a good day.

So, anyway, I walked away. I felt bad about it, not bad about it, and kept looking over my shoulder the rest of the time I was in the store to see if I would be apprehended by some employee saying I needed to pay for the broken stuff.

What would you have done? I don't know if I did the right thing or not. It probably wasn't the right thing, but I really didn't know what else to do. I didn't feel like it was entirely my fault, and I certainly wasn't going to take more dirty looks from an employee who's only annoyance in my mistake was that she was going to have to clean it up, and not because she would be losing revenue. So really, what would you have done? Make me feel better here.


the lizness said...

just because you break it doesn't mean you buy it -they have to have some kind of insurance to cover the cost, it's a risk of business that some merchandise would be damaged. I would say if the manager of the store didn't ask you to do anything, then walking is the right thing to do. don't stress !

Mrs. Andrews said...

I think I would have done exactly the same thing! Don't feel bad about it, things like that happen and the obviously wasn't set up right. Like Tess said, they have insurance for that kind of thing. As for the employees, how can people be so crabby. It's not like you went to the stay with the intent to do that! Definitely not your fault and don't worry about it!

Kathryn Thompson said...

I don't know that you could have done anything different. Oh man! That is rough. I do like it a lot when people call their stroller a "double-wide." Like it's a trailor home or something.

Emily said...

i would've helped pick stuff up BUT i'm not pregnant and have no kids. there's a big difference there. :) plus tess is right, they have insurance for that kind of incident, unless they're like a tiny mom'n'pop store. which fred myer clearly is not. ;)

WarriorWife said...

I think I would have started drilling into the ground--all the way through til China!
But I'm not sure there is a right or wrong here, since it was an accident, and especially since there was no voiced blame. So unless you'd have sought out "the powers that be", you wouldn't have had any way to be responsible for the accident.

I think you're okay. And I CAN'T believe your other mortified moment. HoLy CoW I never would have gone to school again.

Anonymous said...

No sweat sista you did good. They have broken Muchandise accounts to cover the damaged goods. Oh so funnny. I would have totally given you the Oh Dude I can't believe that just happened giggle if I was there. I am no help. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

WoW, thats a harsh one. I don't know what I would have done, only what I hope I would have done.

That being, I would have helped clean it up and walked away. But I think I would have just walked away.

Anonymous said...