Monday, June 05, 2006

Princess Reenie

Today I want to write about the cutest girl in world, my mini twin, my Reenie Bean.

She is so similar to me in so many ways that it just blows my mind. Take sleep for example. I LOVE my sleep. I love naps, I love going to bed, sleep is my good friend. I have a hard time falling asleep at night however, despite my love for sleep. When Reenie was days old, she too had difficulty falling asleep, often staying up until 1 am. And she still struggles with falling asleep at night, and like me, she wakes up a bazillion times.

But she clearly likes to sleep, and she loves her naps. Today she was watching Bob the Builder with E and I told her in a few minutes we were going to read stories and have our naps. I walked out of the room and the next thing I knew, Reenie was in her bed, tucked in with the door closed. Not asleep yet, but still in bed, ready for a nap. (Which usually last for two to three hours) Who is this person? She is AMAZING! Of course, one difference in our sleep patterns is that I take awhile to wake up in the morning, whereas she pops up ready to immediately go sproinging off the walls.

And it isn't just sleep. The kid is persistent like me, she's emotional like me, and when she thinks you aren't understanding her she gets frustrated like me. And yet, she is so different than me. She is so much more adventurous than I am. She likes Daddy to swing her upside down, she tries to jump off the back of our couch, she does somersaults in church... She's much funnier than I am too. And she always has a smile for everyone, whereas I think I am a little more umm... not having a smile for everyone (though I do try...)

She is just an awesome kid. A handful of energy, and yet helpful, cute and funny as all get out. She loves her big brother and all his big boy toys, and still loves girly things too. Like wearing her "pitty" dresses and carrying her baby named "Lady." She knows where mommy's baby is and likes to blow on my big pregnant belly and laugh at the flatulant-like noises. She loves to sing (like me) and will climb up onto the piano bench and demand that I "sit down" next to her so we can tickle the ivories together. She loves playing outside, she'll swing for hours and she loves her "Elmo" shoes.

That's her. My Reenie. My Bean. She's going to be two soon, and I am so glad she's a part of our family. I don't know how we ever lived without her.


Mrs. Andrews said...

My daughter (1 1/2 years old) is sitting at the computer with me while I've been reading your blog. She got a huge smile on her face and pointed to your beautiful princess' pictures and repeats "baby... baby... baby" over and over again, then leans her head toward the computer and gave her a kiss!!!! Anyway, you have an adorable, precious daughter!

WarriorWife said...

I can't believe she's going to be 2!! I remember when you were so big with her you were going to pop any second! And now she's growing up...

She is a lot like you. You're both beautiful and VERY caring--and what's this "not having a smile for everyone" nonsense? That is not true--hear that everyone? That is not true!


Erin said...

It's amazing how fast they grow up. Before you know it you'll have number three, that's crazy!