Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Urine Sample

Yeah, I am not going to be pregnant for much longer, so I figure I better talk about all the pregnancy topics before it's too late...

But before, I get going on this one, many of you commented on the last post about loving the increased bust size during pregnancy. I wanted to mention that I liked this as well, but did not care for the stretch marks on the associated appendages. In other words, as exotic as it sounds, "Tiger Boobs" are not that great.

Okay, so the urine sample. At my current nurse-midwive's office, you pee in the cup and put it in that cubby thing in the wall. Am I the only one that secretly fears that just as I am putting the cup up there, that the nurse will open the other side at the same time? Not that it's that big of a deal, I mean whoopdy-doo, she saw me and identified me with my own pee, but still. That'd be a little weird.

And is anyone else grossed out, when they put their own cup up there and someone else's cup is there too? Last week, I faced near crisis when there was not only one cup up there, but two. Two cups of other people's pee, and to make matters worse, they were placed in such a manner that in order for me to put my cup up there I would have to move one of them. In other words, I would have to touch the cup of someone else's pee. I think I finally just used my cup to kind of shunt the other one over, praying that no spillage would ensue.

Of course, the pee sample at the doctor's office is not near as bad as the dreaded 24 HOUR URINE SAMPLE. If you have never had to do this, pray you never will. I had to with my first pregnancy because I had pre-eclampsia. Oh my word. Every time you pee, you must collect it, and pour it into a big orange jug. This big orange jug must be kept... dunh, dunh, dunh... in your refrigerator! Aahhhhh! So gross. I remember being so relieved after I had done it, glad I would never have to do it again. Yeah, I think I did about 3 more of those that pregnancy. Sick.

So yeah, any thoughts? Yes, I know I have just asked you to comment about pee. But c'mon, we've all had to do it at one point, pregnancy related or not.


sweet mama entropy said...

The two cups of urine in the cubby hole? Happened. to. me. too. And I was just as grossed out by it. Is it just me or does that seem really lazy on the part of the nurse? I mean how hard is it to take the cup of urine out of the cubby before the next poor soul leaves their sample. It's not like there's a waiting line forming to pee in the cups! The nurse calls the people back for goodness sake! Would it be too much to ask for the nurse to take a minute first and empty the pee cubby? I think not.

the lizness said...

I had to do the 24 hour thing when I had mono in 8th grade, and as gross as it is to an adult? grosser to a 13 year old

Valarie said...

I wonder if we have the same ob? The pee cubby is as bad as having to pee in to the cup in the first place. At least I learned early on to write my name on the cup before I used it.

Anonymous said...

Twenty four hour urine tests are horrible! Before giving birth in May, I had to do them once a week for three weeks (also because of pre-eclampsia). How much fun is it to take the collection device they charmingly called a "hat" to work with you as well as a cooler to keep your "sample" cold. At least we had a staff bathroom so I didn't have to lug the stuff around every time I had to pee, which for a pregnant lady is quite a bit!

Linsey Farley Jameson said...

My record was 3 cups. And one of the girls had put an unnecessary amount of pee in her cup. 24 hour pee sample? sounds lame!

And ROFL...tiger boobs...

Anonymous said...

Urine gross. Other people's urine grosser. Not thrilled about the sample of pee. The Last OB made me bring mine from home in a tiny bottle. I never brought it. Made the nurse mad. New OB this time :)

Stephanie said...

I love it! You guys are hilarious.

Kathryn Thompson said...

The 24 hour thing is super icko-blicko. Seriously. Yuck. I'm glad you're not on bedrest. Are you?

Nicole said...

"Tiger Boobs" ROFL!!!
And yeah that pee thing is GROSS...I also did the 24 hr urine thing, also way gross.

Anonymous said...

how do you aim when peeing

Anonymous said...

I totally relate! I'm currently pregnant with my 3rd child, and today I turned in my lovely red container. This is my 4th 24 hour urine (Type 1 Diabetes)...I'm becoming a pro at it but it's still GROSS. And embarassing...trying to explain it to my 4 year old was fun :) "But Mom, what are they gonna do with your pee?"