Monday, May 29, 2006

Monday (not so much) Morning Confessions: Things I am in Love with

1. My husband.

Duh. I don't know why I even mentioned this one. SOOoooo obvious. But still, it should be on the top of the list...

2. The Hardware Store

I don't know what it is about this place. I just get high (not literally, ya sickos) off of all the stuff you could use for "home improvements." The smell of it, the paint colors, the garden department. Mmmmm.... Love...

3. Popsicles

Maybe it's just the summer, but these babies are my favorite food right now. As I was eating one the other night I told Charming, "Popsicles are the best food."
"Are they your favorite food?" he asked.
My reply?
"They are at this very moment."

4. People thinking I am younger than I am

Okay, NOT. I actually hate this. Twice on Saturday, twice, I was referred to as Reenie's "big sister." Maybe it was because I was actually wearing makeup, something that moms obviously do not do. But here's the question, how many 21 month old children have "big sisters" who are 6 months pregnant? I wasn't wearing that disguising of an ensemble.

5. My New Body Pillow

To quote my lovely friend Heather: "No pregnant woman should be without one." Why, oh, why has it taken this long for me to be in possession of one of these wonders? I love it, love it, love it! Oh how sleep has taken on new and miraculous levels of joy! I hope my friend will never, ever leave me. Aaaahhh. I can't wait for my nap...


Emily said...

lol about the body pillow. i'm learning to many things that'll come in handy whenever i end up having kids. :)

Mrs. Andrews said...

I know what you mean about the body pillow. I finally figured that one out on my third kid. It was the best discovery made however!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, yes, YES to the body pillow! Started sleeping with one during my second pregnancy, and now it still resides happily in my bed, even though my pregnancy days are over.