Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Meme This!

Well, Emily at the Sassy Lime has tagged me for a meme. Here it is.

What is your favorite word ?


What is your least favorite word ?
I don't know that there's a word. But I certainly don't like to hear the phrase, "One of the kids just vomited."

What turns you on spiritually, creatively, emotionally ?
Music for sure, on all accounts. Quiet time, reverent time for reflection. People thinking of me.

What turns you off?
Profanity. Lack of respect for others.

What's your favorite curse word?
umm, don't (typically) curse, So I don't have one. When it very rarely pops out it usually rhymes with SPAM.

What sound or noise do you love to hear?
Rain. My kids giggling. My kids calling me mommy or really anything they say.

What sound or noise do you hate?
My kids fighting. Too much going on at once.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Hair stylist.

What profession would you not like to do?

What would you like to hear God say at the pearly gates?
Welcome home, my good and faithful servant. Glad you could make it, you did a great job. The teriyaki and chocolate cake bar is over there. All you can eat. No, we don't have calories here.

And I tag:
anyone who wants to play.


Emily said...

lol at the poopsmith. thanks for playing. :)

Erin said...

Hi Stephanie!
You blog is freakin' funny, I love it! I'll have to read you all the time now.