Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Kids at the Albertsons

Well, sorry it's been awhile. I have been watching a couple of my friend's kids and it has been CRAZY. In fact, on Monday I decided to take my 20 month old, my 3 year old and her 6 and 3 year olds to the Albertson's store.

Yes that's right, 4 kids and one in the tummy.

Now, they really were reasonably well behaved. I don't have as much to blog about this event as would make this a truly interesting post, but I will say this, E was the best behaved, followed by Reenie. The 6 year old was walking and he kept dashing off, and the other three year old kept trying to get out of the cart.

But picture this: I am 25 years old. I am fair skinned and blonde and look young for my age. Here I am at the Albertson's store with four blonde headed kids and a pregnant belly. No possible way that all these kids could be mine, and me expecting another one. And yet, at the check out line, the cashier hands my preferred card to the six year old and says,

"Will you give this to your mom?"

To which he replies, "Oh, she's not my mom."

The cashier gives me a smile like, he's so funny and aren't you lucky. To which I say,

"He's really not."

She keeps smiling. I don't know why.

And I am pleased to report that I didn't lose anyone, none were injured, all enjoyed their cookie. I spent $56 and I saved $56. A great shopping day, all things considered.


WarriorWife said...

You saved $56 too? was everything you bought half off? I've never heard of a spend/save split like that! You must be one super shopper!

Anonymous said...

ummmm, so... you deserve a MEDAL! :)

momofalltrades said...

Good job! I have a tough time taking my three youngest out, so you have my undying admiration!

Emily said...

ok, you saved as much as you SPENT? i bow down before you, grocery shopping maven. :)