Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I couldn't come up with a good title for this post, so I just used the first word that came to mind.


We have this cute book at our house called "The Way I Feel" by Janan Cain. Each page talks about a different feeling. For example, the last page is PROUD. I was reading it with Reenie today and noticed that she was sort of saying the words along with me. So I decided to leave off the last word on the page and let her fill it in. It went like this:

Me: "Proud. I did it! I did it! I shout to the crowd. Getting dressed by myself makes me feel..."
Reenie: Happy.

The correct word is obviously proud, but I just thought it was cute how she sensed that they were similar emotions. Pretty smart for a year and half. And very cute.

And on another topic, I have been cleaning today. I have several methods that I would like to share with you for tackling the big overwhelming looking messes:

1.Listen to Music. A must for the cleaning. Today I chose some music by the Bulgarian Women's Choir

2. Start in one area and work your way around. Sometimes this means just picking a corner and moving along until everything is spotless, or you can choose an area to start with such as the floor and then move to countertops (this is what I did today.)

3. If you are really overwhelmed give yourself a time limit. Say "I am going to clean for twenty minutes straight," and then set the timer. Often you will find you can keep going, and you will be amazed at what you can do in a small amount of time.

Anyway. That's my post today. My cute kid, and my cleaning tips. Cucumber. Go figure.


WarriorWife said...

sometimes you are so random! but I love it. :)

Music is definitely a must while cleaning--and it should be turned up really loud too.

I've also found that sometimes the "move method" is most effective. I "move" everything from my bed to the floor, and then I can make the bed. I "move" everything from the floor to the desk, and then I can vacuum. I "move" everything from the desk to the livingroom floor, and then I can dust. I find as I "move" things, two things happen:

A) As the "move" pile grows by adding things from each place, I find after two or three "moves", I tend to put away some the things I'm moving or sort them into manageable piles (like laundry, important papers, throw away papers, return to friends, donations, etc.), and

B) When I finish one room, I have a direct link in the cleaning process into another room, ie: bedroom to living room, living room to dining room, etc. This fends off the overwhelming question "what should I do now?" when I finish with one room.

Rachelle said...

I love the title! And I am going to have to get that book for my son.

Lei said...

Lol... hey we love that book too!

Kathryn Thompson said...

That picture is adoreable. I also love that you were listening to Bulgarian Women's Choir music while cleaning. That made me laugh out loud. We prefer Carol King, 80's Michael Jackson or disco music for cleaning around here, something peppy.

Anonymous said...

Love the music and the time-limit thing. I find I can usually keep going once I start, but if I give myself a time-limit, then I know I can get out if I want to. It makes me more likely to start.

Kristen said...

We've got that book. It's a good one. Cucumber. Cute. I always have trouble thinking of titles. Maybe I'll use your method.

JD said...

OH I Awarded you with this week's flip up award!!! I have the code you would like it just E-mail me
