Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday Morning Confessions: Things I have learned recently

Just a few factoids you might be interested in...

1. It is possible for Reenie to sleep through the night, as she did it twice this past week. It's not possible for me, however.

2. For a three year old, watching someone cross stich is highly entertaining and amusing.

3. 18 month olds can make pee in the potty chair!

4. Charming (who turns 30 this month) had a plan to grow a mustache. This morning he changed his mind and shaved.

5. Hearing an 18 month old repeat the phrase "Oh man, oh man," over and over again is like, the cutest thing ever. (She got this from the bro, not from us.)

6. I am still susceptible to the morning sickness pukes. (And Reenie will stand by me and toss toilet paper in the john while I am at it).

7. Reenie is quite good at putting on her own eyeliner.

8. We have a gopher or something in out backyard.

9. Suggesting to your husband that you want to paint your living room does not always get desirable reactions. (After seeing other non-white walls, he has changed his opinion, by the way.)

Okay, it's your turn-- what little factoids have you picked up this weekend that you are dying to share?


WarriorWife said...

1. If your bank account makes less than $10 interest, the bank won't send a 1099 and you don't have to report that income.

2. My sister is like my mother--they leave all kitchen cupboards and drawers open at all times.

3. When men get hungry and tired they get terribly terribly cranky.

4. I have a very distict way of packing and moving, and watching someone else dink around their own way drives me nuts!

5. Women's pant sizes have been greatly distorted over the last few years. It used to be I wore around a 5. Now a 5 on me looks like I'm trying to fit in the pacific ocean--I'm swimming and it's not my bod that's changed! My only explanation: women are getting bigger but don't want to admit it, so designers are just "growing" the sizes to flatter fat women into buying their pants.

Rachelle said...

I totally get you on #1. Let's see, what else I have learned.

1. Your nephew who is 5 months younger than your son will be a better sleeper and make you extremely jealous.

2. You can buy too much cereal.

Anonymous said...

Hey melnel,

I TOTALLY identify with #4, about packing! Isn't it just SO aggravating to watch others pack when you're SURE you could do it better?!


Anonymous said...

Er... the sad bit is that though they can make the pee in the potty chair, by the time they turn 19 months old, it may start to seem like they never really did it in the first place.