Friday, March 31, 2006

Busy but Loving It

Well, it's been a busy week and it's not over yet. I have had two Creative Memories parties this week (much success!) and tonight is Charming's Birthday Event. (He's 30 today... shhhhh...)

So here is something funny that happened the other day. The kids and I were in the bath and I told them that I had a baby in my tummy. Reenie was like hee-hee, poke, squeeze, and E says, "Yeah! That's your baby! You have a baby in there" The next day, I was on the couch and E announces, "I have to go potty." He then squeezes his belly and says, "I have a baby in here," and leaves. It was amusing.

And another day Reenie is rocking on her rocking horse and we have this conversation:

Me: Are you Reenie Smith?
Reenie: NO
Me: Are you Reenie Diaper?
Reenie: No...
Me: Are you Reenie Crazy Horse?
Reenie: Yeah.

So they are pretty cute. And I just wanted to say in this post that I have been really happy with my life lately. For those of you who have been reading for awhile, you might know that I have really struggled this past year with post-partum depression, a major move, not having friends etc, but I will say I think I have finally arrived. I am in a place where I feel like I could stay for awhile, I am starting to feel like I have friends that I can just call up and ask to hang out, and things are going pretty well. So yea for me.


Erin said...

Congrats!!! It's hard when you get stuck in a rut, but it's always so nice when you get out. Have a great b-day celebration. I'm in the works of planning one since S's is next week. I know it's a long drive but we'd love to have you come, send me new address and we'll mail you out an invite. Once again I'm glad to hear things are picking up with CM and with you being happy or at least content.

Julie said...

Too cute. My 3 yr old daughter keeps telling me she has a baby in her tummy - not sure why - I don't have one. I think she thinks all girls have babies in their tummies. Glad you are feeling better. I've struggle w/ depression off and on and I know how nice it feels to hit the "sweet spot" as I call it.

Kathryn Thompson said...

Yay for you indeed! And happy birthday to Charming. I love when the kids think they have a baby their tummy too.