Wednesday, March 01, 2006

In which a picture will NOT be posted

Okay, so I have a confession.

It is beyond time for me to clean out my microwave.

I will not be posting an image, as it is far too, ummm, not for virgin eyes, I guess. But I figure the reason it has gotten so bad is this: I am short and my microwave is up high. I would wipe it down after every spill, if I could reach it without needing to get a stool. So there you go. My height is my excuse. Short people are allowed to have dirty microwaves. 'Nuff said.

And here are some funny, strange, or uncomfortable things that have happened this past week or so:

*Reenie developed a nasty rash all over her back (eczema, we believe)
*E out of the blue, randomly started picking up his own toys without being asked
*My dad asked me if I was "showing yet"
*My dad told me an off color joke about marital se*
*Reenie put her finger in my nose so hard that it bled
*I beat a video game
*Reenie was putting her mouth on a step stool and E said: "Reenie! Don't eat stool!"

Okay, not a lot going on. But we have gone to the park twice this week as it is starting to thaw out here. Yea! I have never wanted summer so badly in my entire life.


JD said...

i hear you on the wishes for sping and summer!!

WarriorWife said...

Hear Hear on the "wish winter were over already!"
And I didn't know your kids could give you bloody noses. hmmm the dangers of motherhood?

Rachelle said...

I can't wait till summer either. Your kids are cute!

Anonymous said...

At least E doesn't let Reenie eat stool. This is an important life lesson.

Linsey Farley Jameson said...

I dread summer, in AZ it is too blasted hot to do anything. But right now, we enjoy the park every single day, in 75-80 degree beautiful weather.

And nice of E to watch out for Reenie, eating stool is no good.