Friday, March 17, 2006

Warts and Fame

This post is about two things: my experience yesterday with some wart removal and fame and blogrolls. Okay fine, three things.

So I went to the doctor yesterday to have some warts removed off of the bottoms of my feet. I have had the “big one” since I was pregnant with E (in other words, four years) and I am pretty tired of it. First of all when I get there, they take me to the “procedure room.” This sounded slightly daunting, as you can imagine. Shelves filled with all kinds of medical things, and lots of football memorabilia including pictures of Steve Young and a Joe Nameth signed jersey. And then the doc comes in. He looks at my feet, makes a comment about their nastiness and tells me what we are going to do. So then here I am laying on my stomach (thank goodness I am not further along) with my bum facing the doc while he burns the living daylights out of my feet. Well, freezes actually, but the sensation was stinging, fiery heck-like burning.

And then I am done. He tells me the stinging should go away in about twenty minutes. It's not really that bad now, I think to myself. I limp to my car, feeling like a dork, and start the drive home. It is not long into the drive when the “stinging” begins. Let me clarify-- burning worse than the initial 'procedure. In fact, I seriously had to check to make sure there was not an actual fire coming from my shoes as it was my entire feet that were in pain and not just the wart sites. Thinking how unsafe of a driver I must be, I drive with as much care and speed as I can to get home.

Now let me just tell you, a little wart removal causes a lot of pain (more than twenty minutes worth) and paraplegic type behavior. I limped and crawled around my house all afternoon and evening until my blessed bedtime arrived. Feeling better today, but still limping.

So in my limping state I receive a phone call from a friend yesterday. She tells me some exciting news about her blog, basically indicating that she is about to become very popular and famous. I am happy for her as she is very talented and cool. But it starts me a 'thinkin.

I want to be famous.

Why? I ask myself. Surely it is not so that my life can be public property or so that I can be chased by paparazzi. But I think that each of us desires a little fame so that we can be recognized. So that we can feel special, or important. We want to be popular and well liked. And I think this is part of the reason that I blog. People that don't even know me are reading me and essentially validating me and saying, “we think you're cool.” It's this desire for “fame” as it were, that makes me upset when I get no comments or feel rejected when someone removes me from their blogroll.

Yes, I was recently removed from someone's blogroll. Devastating. (Although, she and I have since come to an understanding.) But you know what? As I thought about it, I realized that there really is only one blogroll that matters. Heavenly Father has a blogroll of inifinite proportions, and He is reading the blog of my life every day and not missing a single detail. He is aware of me and He loves me and He is laughing and crying right along with me. He may not always leave comments, but I can always tell him what I am thinking and feel His love for me. And the best part? Everyone is on His blogroll-- He never deletes them, even when He finds their material offensive. Isn't that so great? I may not be famous, but I am important and special. And somebody really important thinks that I am awesome.


Kristen said...

I've had one wart in my life right on my thumb. Luckily, good ole Compound W did the trick for me.

I can relate on the whole wanting to be popular in the blog world. It's kind of reminiscent of high school, isn't it? The more comments you get, the more popular you are. Good reminder and analogy about God. That is definitely the most important thing. :-) I think you commented on my blog one time, and being a silly new blogger, I thought I could respond to your comment when it appeared in my email by hitting the "reply" button. Duh. I have a lot to learn. ;-)

Anonymous said...

So true, Stephanie. He does. It's hard when we start to let the blog popularity or lack thereof get us down. :)

WarriorWife said...

I've had the wart removal "procedure" before too! Except it wasn't for a wart. it was for a mole under my arm.

Don't worry, I'll keep you on my blogroll. I might have to start charging a few dollars a month, if you start to get boring or something....

just kidding! :) You know I love you and your awesome blogging skills.

JD said...

you are the bomb and you will always be on my bloggy roll!!

Emily said...

ok, that sounded AWFUL. :( so sorry you had to go through that! and to walk around on your frozen-off wart scars....makes me cringe. hope that the feet (foot?) is/are feeling better. :)

Kathryn Thompson said...

You are so fun Stephanie. Can I please keep you on my blogroll too. Mine's not as prestigious but it's full of people who rock. I saw one of Very Mom's shirts the other day that said, "I BLOG FOR THE FAME" or something like that and it made me laugh. We may think we're famous in some strange way but you're right about the only fame that matters. AND, even the most famous bloggers are not famous in real life. I had never heard of DOOCE before I got into blogging. And half the people I know think the blog thing is sort of geeky. So we're all striving to be geek rockstars in some way.

I think you should be famous for singing. Done anything about that lately? Please do. :)

Rachelle said...

I had warts removed by freezing when I was younger. Oh the pain. I feel for you. I really do.

Lei said...

Sorry you were mislead about the real painb associated with wart removal. Yeouch!

And, blog for you. Blog because it's therapeutic and it's good for you!

That is all. :)

Linsey Farley Jameson said...

Ouch!!!! That sounds horrible!!!!
I wanna be famous too ;-) And if I knew the first ting about blogrolling you would be on mine, you are one of my favorites. Plus you like cake for breakfast ;-)

Anonymous said...

Okay, so being the Mom of Elecorn Princess, I too have a compulsive disorder of getting the facts straight. It was I, Elecorn's Mom, that bid on the bed, as like most husbands, mine thought I was crazy - UNTIL we got the bed home and slept on it for one night. It is the most comfortable bed we have ever owned even though it sits on a water bed frame that comes from the 70's. Maybe someday it will be passed on to Elecorn.