Wednesday, March 15, 2006

My Life as Fiction

The Princess Mom awoke to an unusual morning sound-- silence. But where were the children? Sleeping? But no! It couldn't be. But it was indeed true, the children and Charming had slept in. She poked her sleeping husband and asked him if he was planning on going to work.
"Yes, I am going," he said.
"Well you better get up," she told him.
"Don't worry," he said. "I'll get there by nine."
She looked at the clock and shook her head. It was 8:22.

The Princess Mom sighed. How wonderful that she could sleep in now if she wanted to. And yet, her stomach grumbled. Cheerios with bananas and strawberries, she thought. And the concoction sounded so tempting she had to get out of bed.

Before heading downstairs she looked out the window. Pure whiteness. Snow was blowing all directions and a good 8 or 9 inches covered the ground. She found the sight beautiful and yet knew it would blow all her plans for the day. Well, at least I won't have to sit through the most boring and age inappropriate story time ever at the library, was her reassuring feeling. But it is March, time for spring! I want to garden and go to the park! Her irritation soon gone, she went down to eat her breakfast.

Charming arrived downstairs at 9:30, ready to leave for work. "Do you want to shovel today, or should I do it?"he naively asked her. She gave him the look. He got the shovel and set out to clearing the driveway. She went upstairs, found the children playing with their new train table, and started thinking about a shower. As she gathered up her clothes, she sighed yet again. Ugh, maternity undergarments. Am I that big already? Resigned to her fate, she set off to get clean, but first she took a minute to peer out the window to watch her husband hard at work with the snow shovel. She noticed that no one else had done their driveways and opened the window to tell him so.
"Yeah, well Wednesday is not a big working day," he joked.
"Mmm hmm. I hear it's becoming the new Saturday," she said back.
"Most people are thinking they want a break in the middle of the week instead of two days at the end," he finished.
"You're funny," she told him as she shut the window and went on with her routine.

Ten minutes later, showered and dressed, the Princess Mom went downstairs and started the hot cocoa maker. (Yes there is such a thing). When Charming came in they both had a frothy cup of hot chocolate, said their morning family prayer and then he was off to work. It was 10 am.
Well, she thought, time to start my day. She started to clean but was interupted by...

Okay, you know the drill. Time for you to finish up the story. Come on, make my day a little more interesting...


WarriorWife said...

...some strange noise in the kitchen. Have the children gotten into something without my noticing? Princess Mom walked over to the kitchen; no children were there, but the noises started getting more and more out of control.

Suddenly, the hot chocolate maker exploded! Remants of cocoa flew across the room, even splashing on Princess Mom's clean shirt. Yes, the noises had been replaced by clouds of steam and smoke from the far side of the kitchen.

Princess Mom's first thought was "Well, at least I hadn't cleaned the kitchen yet;" followed quickly by her second thought, "No wonder it was 38% off."

Of course after these two thoughts, the children had tumbled down the stairs. They came tearing around the corner and screeched to a halt. Their mouths dropped open and their eyes went wide. Prince E said "...

Papa said...

"Holy hot chocolate explosion, Batman, did any of it land in my mug?"

But, alas, none had.

"Guess I'll just have to settle for".....

Stephanie said...

"Soggy apple jacks off of the floor. Oh wait, mom asked me to throw those in the garbage. They are pretty gross, come to think of it."

The Princess Mom rolled her eyes. More mess. Who would she get to help her clean it? And then the phone rang. It was...