Tuesday, March 28, 2006

That Crazy E Kid

So, sorry it's been a few days. I have been busy, and I may not post again for a few more days after this. But don't be sad, be happy that I am doing so well that I don't need to blog!

Yeah, so E. He's funny. He got this blood blister about a week ago and then it popped, so he of course felt that he needed a band-aid. We gave it to him, but every time it came off, he cried and begged for it back. So we just kept giving him new ones. Until he no longer wanted a new one... he wanted the same one. I looked at the band-aid he was wearing yesterday and let me tell you it was nasty. It was all frayed and dirty and gross. This morning it was gone, and I assumed it had fallen off in the night or Charming had secretly removed it. Whatever. E seemed not to miss it. Then when we were leaving for the store today we open the door to the garage and he gasps. "Oh NO! What is THAT on the Ground?" he says. I thought he meant the paint cans. Nope, he had seen one of his bandaids, still in its little finger roll. It was not el-nastito band-aid-ito from yesterday but one from earlier this week. Despite my objections, he insisted on wearing it.

Eeeww, gross.

And now more from funny E.

A little while ago, Daring Young Mom held a contest to name her new van. At the time I remember thinking, "I need a name for my van too." Well, apparently I don't need to worry about that anymore. E informed us yesterday that the van's name is Lady. Wheew! Glad I got that one taken care of.


Kathryn Thompson said...

Good choice on the name. What a smart guy.

Rachelle said...

What an adorable lil boy!

WarriorWife said...

I am here to say, I saw the frayed and seriously WORN OUT bandaid. It was true. And it was truly gross. But what was there that the Princess Mom could do? :)

Way to go on the van name too. I can totally see him coming up with it and just starting use it--"Hey Lady, let's go!" :)

owlhaven said...

eww, gross, indeed!
Mary, mom to many