Monday, April 03, 2006

Monday MorningConfessions: Irrational Fears

1. The Dark
Yes, I am afraid of the dark. Not as much as I used to be, but mirrors in the dark irk me, and I don't see very well in the dark, so there you go.

2. My children falling from heights
I guess I could have just said I am afraid of heights, but really it's more that I am afraid of falling or dropping my kids. Not that I ever would, but I am a little paranoid. In fact we have an open banister that I always walk as far away from as possible whenever I carry Reenie, and I always get nervous when Charming has the kids on his shoulders and we are walking on the second story floor of a mall. So weird, I know.

3. Terrorists
This is sad to say, because isn't this why they are called terrorists? I know I shouldn't be, but every time I see someone suspicious looking, I get a little edgy, don't you?

4. Death
I have a pretty good concept of where we go when we die, and that is not the part I fear necessarily. It's more that I fear the way I could die, or the fear of leaving my kids behind without their mommy.

5. Dogs roaming around without a leash
I love dogs, but dogs I don't know... hmmm... iffy. There are a lot of dogs in our neighborhood and often they are just sitting in their front yards without leashes. This drives me crazy, as I am always afraid they are going to run out and try and get me. If I were ever to become a gun owner, it would be to protect myself from attacking dogs.

Okay, so it isn't necessarily good to be afraid--we know that fear is not of God-- but nevertheless, I know that some of you out there have a few fears. What are they? Come on, don't be afraid to tell.


WarriorWife said...

Have you noticed that your fears change over time? Mine do. For instance, I used to be afraid of the dark when I was little, but now I like the dark most of the time.

I used to be afraid of being alone in a house or apartment for the whole night, but now I live alone and it's not scary at all.

I used to be afraid of spending my life alone. But now I'm not afraid of that; a selfish part of me can even enjoy planning a life alone. I'm more afraid now of marrying someone who turns out to be a loser 5 years later and then I'm stuck with him forever.

Marlene said...

I totally have the same fear of children falling from heights. To the point that I have actually had nightmares after a trip to the mall. I thought I was alone in this fear!

Rachelle said...

I am so afraid of the dark! I run upstairs from downstairs once the lights go off. I am afraid of spiders, snakes, and other creepy crawlies. I am afraid of something happening to my husband or to Camden. I am deathly afraid of dying in a fire or drowning.

Emily said...

i am TOTALLY afraid of ferris wheels. i have this recurring dream of riding one and my car coming loose and crashing to the ground (and i die, of course). i haven't been on one in about 10 years....

Kathryn Thompson said...

Dark, mirrors, canned vegetables.

Lei said...

choking and drowning... those are mine. probably becasue i've had bad experiences with both. oh and falling, too... we used to live in a high rise in honolulu and I used to have nightmares about my 1 yr. old finding her way out onto our lanai!

Anonymous said...

I totally understand your fears of your kids falling. My greatest fears involve my kids getting hurt. In almost any situation, I end up thinking of the most horrible or awful thing that could happen to the kids. If we are at the pool, I think that they could possibly drown. If we are up high, I think they could fall. It's neverending and very tiring.

Gabriela said...

I am with you with the mirrors in the dark, terrorists, manners in which I could die. Don't come to Mexico, the dog thing is over the top here. Sometimes they chase me in while I am driving my car! Not good.