Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Great Mustache Contest

A little while ago, I mentioned that Charming was participating in a mustache contest at work. The rules were simple: Grow out all your facial hair for a month or so, and then shave it down to the mustache. They would then be judged on whose mustache looked the best. Here is Charming pre-shave down:

I don't have any pics of him, after the beard came off, but I can say, he looked a little something like this:

And so, we were not so surprised when Charming won the award for "Worst Looking Mustache."

And now he is back to looking like this: (he's on the right, thank you.)

I started calling him Baby Face, because he looked so young after the shave, but I really do prefer him this way. All though, now he is talking about how much he misses the beard, and I am thinking, it wasn't awful, but it wasn't great either. So tell me what you think? I really don't want the beard back...


sheep#100 said...

Clean-shaven (easier to kiss, too)

Erin said...

So is that Mike's trying to be sexy face, with the one eyebrow raised? Funny how both him and the guy underneath of what Mike looked like with a beard have the same facial expression. Married to a guy who has to shave almost daily to look clean shaven, I don't really care what he does. Yes I like it better when he kisses me without the scruff, but I can't ask him to shave everyday if I don't want him to ask me to shave my legs every day. I'm not much of a fan of beards on younger people, I think it makes them look too old. And mustaches just looks like they are trying to be older, I think very few people can pull those off. So if I have to choose a style of facial hair for guys under 45 I'd have to go with the goatee

Rachelle said...

I like plain clean shaven. But that is my preference with basically any man. How funny for winning worst mustache! My word verification today is "vogas". Is that like Vegas?

Stephanie said...

You know, I mentioned the goatee, but he thinks it's too "trendy" so he won't do it.

And I don't like kissing all the scruff.

Pam said...

Baby face is much better. Beards are just a bother.

Anonymous said...

Fun site; I'm always glad to find blogs who live in my former stomping grounds!

I am a goatee woman myself. Unfortunately, my hubby is not blessed with a thick one. After a year of growing it, someone came up to him and commented, "Hey that'll look great once it fills in...."

WarriorWife said...

I was wondering why the scruff last time I visited you guys...didn't seem very Prince Charming-like.

I think it's hilarious that there was a moustache contest at his work. What computer geeks will come up with for entertainment... (don't tell him I called him a computer geek, k?)

I really like your new background too. How do you put backgrounds on your site??

WarriorWife said...
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Kathryn Thompson said...

He looks oh so serious in that picture. I wish you had one with just the stache.