Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What not to do

Here is what I do not suggest. Never, ever, EVER adopt a dog when you have an 19 month old, a 3 1/2 year old and are 5 months pregnant. It may sound like a good idea at the time, but let me tell you, it oh so very is not.

Yeah, we adopted a German Short Hair Pointer today at shortly before 1 pm. Shortly after 5 pm, we returned her to the rescue group.

I feel like a dork. I feel stupid. I feel inadequate. And I feel oh so incredibly relieved that the dog is out of my house.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love dogs. And this dog was great with my kids and they LOVED her. They were draping themselves over her, pulling on her tail and hitting her and she could have cared less. What I could have cared less for was the multiple times she peed (and pooped) on my carpet, her indifference to me, and the way she escaped causing us to drive around the neighborhood before we could leash her and force her into the car.

I feel like I haven't had a break all day.

It was like having my post-partum depression all over again. I cried all day and was exhausted and I spent so much time tending to the dog, that I ignored my kids. (More than I usually do anyway. :))

Well, it's over. The kids didn't seem to care that I took her back, since they didn't know we could potentially have her forever anyway. The shelter refunded my adoption fee and I am only out about $50 which I spent on dog food and stuff, but that I donated to the rescue group. At least they got something out of it.

So what have I learned? Dogs are a lot of work, they are like having another child, and shelter dogs are like step-children since you still have all the responsibility and they don't have any loyalty to you. And don't get a dog unless you have a fence. I just couldn't take trying to keep the dog and the kids from escaping our backyard.

And I have learned that other peoples dogs are great for my kids. Just fine.


Anonymous said...

Once again, bravo you for figuring this out before it was too late!

Anonymous said...

You did the right thing. A couple of years ago we did the very same thing, knew right away it was a mistake, but we suffered through two months with that dog. Two LOOOOOOONG months. When we finally returned him it was the biggest relief.

A few months ago, when everyone was a little older (!) we tried again, and this time it was a match. You'll get there.

Kathryn Thompson said...

Dan and I have just put our no pets policy into leagally binding writ, thanks to this post. Seriously. I'm proud of you and re-energized in my efforts to keep pets out of our home.

WarriorWife said...

Please don't be offended at my giggling. :)

I just can't believe you went and adopted a dog! And it was horrible. And your children had no clue. And then just as quickly, you turned around and unadopted the dog.

It's just so unexpected that I can't inexplicably can't stop giggling. And I'm at work!

What's this? I don't call you for a week and you try to replace me with a peeing dog? :)

Julie said...

I hear you. I desperately love our bassett hound Snickers but when she is gone (she's 11 years old) she WILL not be replaced. About 4 years ago when she began peeing on our carpet to spite us for having given her limited access to the yard, she became an outside dog - which I hate. I mean if you're going to have a dog why keep it outside. But she wasn't ruining $5,000 worth of new carpet. She has cost us a fortune in vet bills - recurring bladder infections, cysts, valley fever and last an amputated tail (that was $1300 alone). The kids desperately want another dog but not for me. I have enough to take care of!