Friday, April 07, 2006


I have come up with an invention that is going to revolutionize the modern world-- the voice activated brasier.

Think about it.

You would never have to adjust a slipping bra strap again! You would never have to reach into your shirt in a public place to fix the ladies! Just say out loud (probably a whisper) "tighten straps" or "strap slipping: adjust please" or even "give us a boost."

Come on, you know it would be a great invention. I came up with it actually when I was trying to tighten my straps the other night and could not quite reach the adjuster part. It was quite awkward. This invention could fix such problems.

What do you think? Have I got a winner here, or what?


Emily said...

for sure, YES!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! I'll be your first customer.

Nettie said...

I like the idea. But I couldn't tell my husband. He'd have too much fun with that! You'd have to make them voice specific. (Great blog, by the way)

Erin said...

i think they also need to come up with some better nursing bras, there is much selection to suppor the bigger chested people, they fit yes, but support and lift no!

momofalltrades said...

While you're at it, why don't you go ahead and invent clothing that stays put (or at least goes right back in place) after you pick up and carry a child. Elastic waisted church skirts first please!

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious. I'm so sick of reaching in my shirt to surreptitiously return my bra strap to my shoulder

JD said...

I need to get me one of those things!!

Anonymous said...

Definately a winner!

WarriorWife said...

You crack me up! :)

Blackeyedsue said...

I would buy stock!!! Those of us who have GIANT "ladies" wouldn't have to spend an arm and leg to buy a bra with elastic that lasts more than a month.