Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Tale of Two Warts

As you may recall, I went in about a month ago to see the doctor concerning some warts of mine on the soles of my feet. I have decided that wart removal is a little bit like cosmetic surgery. Lemme Esplain:

1. It's painful. The procedure itself is bad, but the recovery pain is worse. I felt like the biggest dork limping around for three or four days-- not because I was injured, but because of a voluntary procedure I had undergone.

2. It 'aint pretty. I have seen the pictures of those recovering from going under the knife. They don't look good. At first my warts turned black, then they peeled off taking some outer skin leaving me with a peeled back blister revealing tender pink skin. Grossedy-ossey-gross.

3. You must go through the ugly stage to reach the swan stage. I know that once it is all over I should have my beautiful smooth foot skin once again. A couple weeks ago, I looked at Reenie's cute little toddler feet and was very envious. Soon, I told myself, soon.

4. Sometimes you have to do it again. Yep, I am going to have to go in again for "the big one." She is still around, though not as massive. I shudder. I do not want to go again...

Well, that's it in my world. What's going on with you? I hope none of you have to deal with warts.

1 comment:

Emily said...

:-( so some of those really grossed me out, but i was sad to hear you have to go back in. at least now you know what you're up against, right? :/
