Friday, April 14, 2006


So, I was doing a little online window browsing for maternity clothes this morning and I came across this image:

Anyone else believing this? This is supposed to be a pregnant woman in a swimsuit bottom. I take issue with this image for the following reasons:

1. This woman if pregnant at all, is not very far along. She will not look like this for her entire pregnancy. She will be much, much bigger.

2. Sure, I'd wear a bikini if my tummy was all shiny and flawless and airbrushed!

3. What is up with the media? It's bad enough that they make women feel the need to be perfect looking when NOT pregnant, but come on! Cut us some slack when we're eating for two!

Having said number three, I really enjoy my pregnant body. I love being curvy for a legitimate reason (and not because I ate too many bon bons) and I can't get enough of the big belly. That said, if anyone else were to see me in the buff, they might not agree with my positive body self image.

I think we can all relate here, don't you?


WarriorWife said...

Well, maybe not relate, since I've never done the pregnant thing. But I will say, when I saw the image for the first time I thought it was a plastic pregnant doll. Like barbie, but slightly molded in the front with VERY skinny arms. Very unproportional and like you said, very unrealistic.

Erin said...

I just wish that when I was pregnant that I looked it, I hide it well and I never look nine month pregnat even when I am. I wish I had the really round belly that was prodominate, but I don't. Why is it that society must tell us how to look all the time, even when we can't control how our bodies develope like when we are pregnant.

Emily said...

HA! that looks like me when i stick my stomach out! (no,i'm not pregnant) -- plus, let's be serious, where are the stretch marks?

Anonymous said...

Ugh. That's all I can say. My belly looked like something out of the movie "Alien".

Anonymous said...

Big AMEN SIsta to your list!!

Jeff said...
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Carrie said...

I can so totally relate.

Kathryn Thompson said...

Mega-relatatron over here. Pu-lease! Maybe I should get a bikini and puff my stomache out to look like that. Oh, wait..too many stretch marks and I'm not currently pregnant.