Monday, February 13, 2006

Monday Morning Confessions: Food

Okay, so I haven't done the Monday Morning Confessions in a while, but I think I am going to start doing them with a theme. Today's theme: Food.

1.My favorite breakfast food is Chocolate Cake

It's true. A bad (or good) habit I picked up in jr. high. C'mon tell me you don't like it.

2.I don't like nuts in things

Nuts alone are pretty good. Although we can't eat them now because of Reenie's allergy-- especially after this happened. But even before that, I couldn't stand them in things like cookies or ice cream. The texture change-- yuck! Bowls of Rocky Road would come back with a bunch of little slobbery nuts leftover. Anyway.

3. I don't do spicy

When I eat a spicy food, all I can taste is the burning sensation in my mouth. The flavor of the food is really hard to get to.

4. I don't like Red Delicious apples

Of all the varieties of apples, this is the least delicious to me. So why did they add the word delicious to the end of it? To make people think they taste good-- to trick them into buying them.

5. I am a beef-aholic

My apologies to the vegetarians, but man do I love a good steak. My midwife recently asked me if I was a meat eater (since I need the extra protein) and my husband gave an emphatic YES. Forget the chicken. Give me the red stuff.

Well, that's it. I guess I don't have any truly strange eating habits. (Unlike Charming who can't have his vegetables be too big, and won't eat chicken with red sauce.) But there it is. What are your unique eating habits or food preferences? C'mon, fess up.


JD said...

Alright ready???

Cheerieos and Yogurt!!


WarriorWife said...

Chocolate pudding and snicker doodle cookies for breakfast, at least that's what I ate.

I don't like almonds at all, but I like them in honey bunches of oats with almonds. How does that work?

Rachelle said...

Chocolate cake for breakfast should be a standard food. I had that this morning. Your foods aren't all that weird. I actually agree with most of them.

Linsey Farley Jameson said...

So much in common, When we have cake, it is definatly whats for breakfast! Also don't like spicey food, can't teaste the actual food.
No red-delicious here, LOVE meat. But I also love nuts, in things, out of things, I will take them either way.

ShelahBooksIt said...

fellow chocolate cake lover here. I had lemon-lovers white chocolate cake for breakfast this morning.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that about the no-nuts thing. That is exactly how I feel, and people think I'm crazy!

Kathryn Thompson said...

Some people say "All you need is love."

I say, "All you need is beef, chocolate and love."

Pam said...

If there is chocolate in the house, which there usually is . . . I am havin' it for breakfast, without the watchful eyes of my sweeties--because then I'd have to share. Yet, I don't like chocolate cereal. Give me a bowl of Fruity Pebbles, but I'd really rather have it for dinner. Don't really like breakfast foods at breakfast. I'd rather have a good burger -- after the chocolate, of course. MMM, Yummy!