Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday Morning Confessions: Personal Habits that Bug the Hub

Now, don't get me wrong, Charming is a wonderful man who loves me just the way I am. But there are a few things that from time to time earn me some gentle reminders...

1. When using a condiment at the table, I don't screw the lid on all the way
I figure someone else might want to use it, so why tighten it all the way? I set the lid on top, so it doesn't get lost, and leave it where it is. This bugs Charming because it looks like the lid is on, and he doesn't want to spill...

2. I drive on the lawn
Only sometimes, and only when backing out of our miniature two car garage. We seriously have the smallest two car garage known to man, and since I already knocked our mirror off the right side, how am I supposed to know if I am driving on the grass or not?

3. I don't turn my clothes right side out before I wash them
I just take them off and throw them in the laundry basket. Or I leave them on the floor... another peeve of his.

4. I don't put the food away immediately after I use it
I'm hungry! I make the food, I eat it, and then I clean it up. Usually...

5. I leave out sharp objects
I really don't do this that often. But every once in a while, pins get into the carpet or a knife gets left on the counter, and oh, I so hear about it.

Okay, so don't make me feel like the only one! I know you guys do some things that bug your hubbies (or someone else, if you are unmarried). So c'mon, don't leave me hanging. What are the annoying things that you do?

1 comment:

mamashine said...

I tend to wriggle out of my bra and leave it wherever I am- the couch, a bookshelf as I walk by, just random places. He hates when people come over and my underwear is just lying around the house. :)