Saturday, February 18, 2006

My Apologies

If you happened to be at the Salt Lake Airport last night between 9:45 pm and 10 pm, and you were waiting at baggage carousel 2 for your stuff, when it suddenly stopped, I offer you my apologies. It was my son who pushed the emergency stop button. I am sorry. He has a love affair with buttons.


Rachelle said...


Anonymous said...

I was. I wanted to string your son up by his toes! :) just kidding.

JD said...

Oh I miss the airport in SLC!!Don't miss the cold just the airport.LOL

Linsey Farley Jameson said...

Hahaha!!!! Cute!

Hannah Im said...

Hmm. My son just pushed the emergency button in the local Carrefour supermarket, and alarms went off and huge metal walls came out of the ceiling, sealing off the entire store. I was mortified.