Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ludicrous Speed--- GO!

Well, the ball of chaos came back this morning.

E woke up (I happened to be sleeping next to him in Reenie's bed) at 5:30 this morning, whining for MILK. The whining turned to screaming when I told him it wasn't going to happen. When Charming finally got him some milk, he no longer wanted it. He would scream he wanted Mommy and then when I came in he'd tell me to go back to bed. Finally he decided he wanted to go downstairs. He wanted me to come too, and he screamed and cried, "MOMMY!!! MOMMY!!!" So I went down, turned on a video and went back to bed. 10 minutes later, the begging returned.

At some point it quieted down, and I went back to sleep.

Apparently, Charming went down and laid on the couch while E played. Daddy forgave him when he woke up to a bowl of cereal on his lap and a pretzel. E wanted to share. When Charming got up, he found a bowl on the table filled to the brim (no spills!) with Pirates of the Caribbean cereal. (Don't buy this cereal, by the way, it is basically cocoa puffs and marshmallows).

And now, if you'lll excuse me, I need to go downstairs and clean up the chocolate milk that Reenie spilled EVERYWHERE.

1 comment:

WarriorWife said...

Ludicrous is a good word. I haven't seen it in a while. I hope your day doesn't stay that way. But hey, at least E didn't spill...