Sunday, December 18, 2005

Company Party-- and then some

So, Charming and I went to this fun company party last night. It was at a ski resort in Park City, and we had to take a gondola ride to get up to actual event. The food was good, the people fun, the music lively and we got a new printer. (Everyone got to choose a gift.) Plus, we received an unexpected Christmas bonus. I was thinking to myself what a great company it was and how it would be really hard for Charming to ever quit because his boss, Vance is really cool and generous. But then if Charming left to do his own company, he could essentially be Vance. We'll stay for a few years anyway.

So we had a good time.

Cougie watched the kids, and didn't have too many problems. Apparently, E missed us, however, since he was up every two hours after we got home:

12:30 am--E is pleading at his door repeating the same three phrases over and over and over: "I want some more milk. Milk, please. I want MILK."

2:15 am-- E climbs into bed with us

4:15 am--"Feliz Navidades, Feliz Navidades, prospero anyo a feliizi dades." Public Television is airing some Spanish Christmas special and E has turned on the tv to tune in. Apparently E wants an a.m. movie, as he is messing with the videocassettes. Charming puts a screaming E back in his own bed with some more milk.

6:30 am- Reenie is up and wants to nurse.

7:10 am-- E is back looking for another movie. We turn on PBS. He watches Thomas and Friends and then Bob the Builder, while we try to do a little more snoozing.

8:00 am-- Charming has taken Reenie downstairs and E informs me that he wants breakfast. With me. Not daddy only. I groan, roll out of bed and we go downstairs and start our day.


Anonymous said...

My son missed Thomas the tank engine 'cause we all slept in after going to an xmas party last night. Nice blog, by the by. :-)

Erin said...

I'm glad you had fun at your party and hope that someday your hubby becomes Vance. Let me just tell you it's a long and hard road to get there. We aren't there yet and I still wonder if we will be or if I want to be. Harder than I ever imagined. Who know's for you it could go perfectly, but I don't think that happens very often. It's just been one of those months for J's company. Just when we thought things were picking up, the unexpected happened. I hope you and your hubby's dreams come true and you don't have to go through as much as we have. But if you do, you know you have someone to talk and complain about to that understands! Sometimes I wish I had that!!!

Ortensia Norton said...

Sounds like your day started at 12am!!!! Got to love the every 2 hours interuptions.

Hope you aren't too wiped today! (always seem to mess up sleep for a few days!)