Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I am either really perserverant or am a glutton for punishment

Please don't feel bad for me when you read this, I am fine, really.

So, I have allowed it to happen again.

A party. For Barefoot Books. At my house. 'Nuff said.

Okay, so really, I thought it would be different this time. I was having a story hour. I told all of my "friends" they didn't have to buy anything, just come and have a good time with their kids and stories. I really thought people would come. They all said they would and they sounded excited about it too.

So far, 2 people. Faithful Heather is on her way up from her house right now, whihc is a good hour away. 3 people. If she makes it-- it's snowing a good one out there.

I am actually not all that upset, since I did get my house clean and I got a chance to visit with a couple of ladies. But I also have too many cookies, and WAY too much wassail.

Moments ago, I was standing at my window looking out into my snow covered backyard. I could see my sticks poking up through the snow. It made me wonder if I am failing. I figure I am either failing or something great is coming. At least I hope it is so with my trees-- they could very well be dead, but come spring they could really take off. I could be the envy of all the neighbors with my beautiful trees. Or I could be sending them right back because they have died. But I don't think I am ready to quit or give up just yet. Not on my crazy ideas or my poor little trees.

Also, I am thinking about singing at the hospital. But here's the thing, I emailed the lady and said it sounded like they only needed instrumentalists, and she emailed back and said she'd love to have me sing. But now I am too scared to call. I am a major dork. This I know.


Stephanie said...

Yeah, okay. But now it has to wait until tomorrow since it is now 5:42 pm

Heather said...

Heather had a great time, though, and made it home alright through the nearly 3-hour drive home. Holy COW, I hate snow. But I like Stephanie, and her books are cute!

Stephanie said...

3 hours! I am so, sooo, so sorry.

But I am selfishly glad you came.

Ortensia Norton said...

DARN computer. I want to comment and it stopped me. Try again.

Anyone want the snow from up north? How about the cold? Willing to send both.

YOU HAD BETTER HAVE CALLED THE HOSPITAL b/c what is the worst she can say and what is the worst you could feel?

And I vote perserverant and courageous.

Heather said...

I'm glad I came, too. :) It was fun. The drive is forgotten. The visit is not.

Stephanie said...

Well, I called, thank you very much. I will probably sing in January.

There you go.

Ortensia Norton said...

Good for you! So easy for me to CAPITALIZE you into doing it, but if roles were switched I would have felt dumb calling too.