Friday, December 02, 2005

While on the subject of the boy...

So, whenever we ask E to do something undesirable (according to his three year old rationale anyway) and he says no we only have to say one thing:

"Do you want to (fill in undesirable task) or do you want to go to your room?"

He will always choose the undesirable thing over going to his room.

Until recently, I feared what I would do to get him to behave when we were away from the house. But I have found that this little charm works everywhere and anywhere. At the store. At a friends house. At grandma's house 1000 miles away. The other day he was actually standing in his room, and he refused to go use the toilet-- I said "do you want to use the potty or go to your room?" He went to the bathroom straight away.

I love it, love it, love it.

And on a different subject-- someone actually asked me the other day if my house was always clean. I laughed. Sure it's always clean-- if you're definition of always is more like never. If this is the case, then yes, my house is always clean. And I do mean always.


Heather said...

That conversation with your friend sounds familiar. :) Who could have asked you that in a fit of insecurity, I ask you. In unrelated news, I'm going to start asking... Beanie, would you rather stop ripping the balls off the Christmas tree or eat dirt. I wonder which she'll choose.

Ortensia Norton said...

We tell our daughter that her uncle who is living with us will wear her PJ's, take a bath, eat her veggies, sit in her chair at the table ect. It works WONDERS!! What are we going to do when he moves out in a month? I am hoping it'll still work like the potty/bedroom scenario.

By the way, you're a GLHM for getting your son to be so obedient. Keep it up! :-)