Saturday, December 03, 2005


Okay, so lately, I have noticed some extra fat around my midsection. I'd say I don't know where it came from or why it is there, but that would be a lie. I have concluded this: I don't nurse S as much, and I am continuing to eat like a breastfeeding mommy. And, ahem, I have an affinity for sweet and fatty things. Cake and cookies and ice cream make me feel good....

Okay, so there are two problems with this new, umm.. let's call it the bulge. The first problem is that the bulge makes me look pregnant. I don't mind looking pregnant when I actually am pregnant, (I actually really enjoy it) but as I am not currently pregnant, I find this annoying.

The second problem is one I have experienced before, when E was a baby: my child could use a little more bulge right at the time I need to lose mine. I took S to her 15 month check up the other day, and her weight has fallen off the charts, so I have been instructed to fatten her up. Extra butter, extra fat, extra calories. And then here's me and the bulge, trying to lay off of the calories. The difficulty lies in trying to separate the two mindsets: as I add the gooey extras to fatten the child, I start thinking, "and a little extra ice cream for me." The bulge loves this, and really I do too, but I hate the bulge. Hate, hate, hate, hate the bulge. The bulge must leave, so I must not add extra butter to my own toast. Only to S's toast. Do you see where the trouble is?

Oh how I loved the days of nursing where the fat just slipped away while I ate ice cream and cake. Oh, those were good days. I miss those days.

So now, my choices are limited. I must do one of two undesirable things to deal with this bulge. I either need to eat less, or get pregnant. What would you do?


Heather said...

Seriously. How hard is it to eat sensibly while loading your kid up with the good stuff. :) Argh!

Ortensia Norton said...

I hate when both choices are evil. I know what I would do. I wouldn't make a decision. I would just think about it. Then you can still eat how you want, not get pregnant and not feel guilty b/c you are pondering a decision. Oh, I love the way my mind works.

Kathryn Thompson said...

I totally gain wait when I stop nursing. I hear ya sister friend!