Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The girl is standing next to me ripping up envelopes as I blog

I have been having some vision problems, so this morning I made a little trip to the eye doctor. It was kind of weird, since I haven't seen an eye doctor since I was a kid and I sort of place the role of "eye doctor" as an adult, superior figure. Today's guy was not much older than me, and to top it off, he looked like this guy.

Okay so now some images:

Lovely, I know. Pay particular attention to the multiple half-eaten apples on the top shelf. If only Reenie (S) were famous. Then we could sell these no-longer-desired-or-eatable- apples on E-Bay for big bucks.

It snowed here! I tried to get some good pics, but as a new development we don't have any good trees yet. This is my neighbor's back yard. He chose not to weed, and so he has what you see here. (At first I thought maybe he had grown them on purpose, but then Charming set me straight.)

It's Reenie holding a teddy! (Excuse the cheap-as-free digital camera blurriness). Isn't she cute-a-licious?


Ortensia Norton said...

Oh, I have apples like that in my fridge. But they aren't from Milly or hubby.

Kathryn Thompson said...

I love the snow picture. It makes me homesick for that place. Ours has already melted.

Stephanie said...

I love that the three of you individually commented on each different picture.

And in the order they were posted to boot!