Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I am oven burner operation challenged

Okay, so we've been in our new house with our new oven for, like, 4 1/2 months now, right? Apparently, I am still having difficulty remembering which knob goes to which burner-- even though they are clearly marked.

Well, so today I-- ah heck, I'll just show you the pictures:

I was making french toast and bacon you see, and I needed to quickly put the butter onto the grill so I flung the lid onto the burner in my haste. The burner at the time was not on. I then put the bacon pan onto the rear burner and turned on the front burner, the wrong burner so it turned out-- yes I turned on the burner where the lid to my margarine substitute was. A disaster of these proportions has not occurred since high school when I forgot I was making ramen and the water boiled off. The pan burned clear through, hot metal dripping into the well, drip pans, actually. I remember the house smelled like metal for a long time. This was not as bad as that, but I may still need to replace the burner. And I feel like a total dork.


Kathryn Thompson said...

When I do something like this, Dan always gently reminds me not to do it again. I totally KNOW. I'm just retarded.

Stephanie said...

Yeah, Mike made a little comment about it too. I think he said, "Let's not ever put lids on the burners."

Heather said...

Oh Grrrrr! I have plastic on my burners, too. :) Hey man, thanks for the call last night. I was in the middle of a bawling fest with my hubbie, so it wasn't a good night for a call. I'm out tonight and tomorrow night, and almost all day today. Grrr. I'll call you in a couple of days. :) You go with Nanowrimo. I'm still wondering if I should go on at all.