Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Some Confessions (Yes, I know it's Tuesday)

Here we go, better late than never....

1. I have fallen behind on my NANOWRIMO
I know! No need for scolding. But S did have croup.... I still wrote then actually, I slowed down after she got better. Last night I was OFFICIALLY out of steam for the project but then I managed to get in another 1500 words or so. So it continues.

2. I have more dreams about ex-boyfriends than I do about my husband

Here's the thing with this one folks-- when I wake up I realize that the "ex" really was the hub, and the hub of the dream was an "ex" who I can't stand. I feel badly about these dreams, but what can I do? I think what it is is that I think of Charming as kind of a summation of all the boyfriends I've had. Does that make sense? He is like the perfect blend of all of them. Hence, why I chose him to marry. That and he proposed...

3. Whenever I hear the baby crying I assume the boy has done something to her

Yes, I am not always in the same room as the children. If I hear S crying or whining, I automatically yell, "E! What did you do to her?" It's horrible I know. I ought to know better too, since I am also an oldest child.

4. I have decided that family is more important than things
This is not a new revelation, nor is it probably much of a confession-- but hear this--one of our goals this year was to buy a house-- something we recently did here in Utah. I am grateful for this house, I love it, and I love home ownership. But after struggling so much with being away from family, I would trade it all to live in a little apartment again if it meant that I had family and a close knit circle of friends nearby.

5. I want to be a millionaire
I should have ended with the other one, since it's all sweet and this is materialistic. I don't love money-- in some ways I think I was happier when we had very little of it. But, being a millionaire would allow us the freedom to live: A.) wherever we wanted, regardless of market values, and B.) travel easily to visit our family and friends all over the country. So really this confession goes along with number 4. I don't want money for the things it can buy, but for what I can do, and the people I can spend time with if I had it.

NANOWRIMO count: 17706 (Not enough!)


Kathryn Thompson said...

You are still a NANOWRIMO goddess! I'm at 10,000 (well, just below). I know I'll be the same way with Laylee and Magoo. I kind of already am. (except, usually she's the one screaming because he pulled her hair or took her toy or something.)

Heather said...

If it's any comfort, you're beating me at the Nanowrimo! I've got about 14,000 words. And I'm going to make it, by gum! You can do it.

Stephanie said...

What? I am doing better on my word count than the daring young sisters? But you guys are HARD CORE-- and I am sure your writing is much better.

Okay, thanks for the confidence boost!