Tuesday, November 22, 2005

My house looks good, but don't open the closet

I believe very strongly in the "visual clean."

This means that when in a hurry to get the house sparkly and fresh looking (like yesterday, since I am priming for a road trip) I focus on getting clutter out of sight, cleaning the floors and countertops, making beds, but not necessarily on organization. If something doesn't have a place, but I am sick of looking at it, it gets shoved into a drawer, cupboard, pantry or closet.

During "visual cleaning" time, I avoid unloading the dishwasher and folding laundry. Dishes in a dishwasher are out of sight and so is laundry in the dryer. Laundry needing folding but not in the dryer can easily be put in a basket and shoved in a closet, to be Dealt with Later. Oh, how I love the visual clean.

So, while right now, I have a great looking house-- very clean, very fresh-- don't open the closet, or the drawers or the pantry. They are not clean, not organized and very messy. But, I don't care. All I care about is the visual clean. The visual clean makes me feel peaceful and content. When my house is visually clean, I am a Very Happy Mom. A Very Happy Mom, indeed.


Heather said...

Oh I am SO all about that kind of clean. Seems like it's the only kind we get around here, sometimes.

Kathryn Thompson said...

This reminds me of last weeks tips. I remember hearing something aobut lots and lots of fabreeze.