Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Today Bites

Well, in case you were wondering, today has pretty much been crappy.

The house: a mess.

The children: made said mess

The mom: a mess

I am officially the world's meanest, most unhappy mom. (Yes, I am trying a little no anti-depressant experiment). My throat is sore from all the yelling. I yelled when they spilled orange juice on the floor, and then when they did it two more times. I yelled at myself when I couldn't figure out how to hang the new curtains. I yelled when they didn't do what I asked them to do.

I even tried to do something "fun" with them and it just turned out awful. I ended up getting more frustrated than I had any fun.

I am an awful mom and I can't figure out what is wrong with me. :(

Sorry that this is not very happy or upbeat.

I probably shouldn't even post it.

But I am going to anyway.

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