Monday, November 28, 2005

Not a halfway gal

Okay, so I think my problem is this: I can't do things half way. It's all or nothing for me.

Example 1: My house.

People say, "relax, get used to having a semi-messy house." Well, for me, I am either going to keep it very clean or it's going to hell in a handbasket. I can't just have it semi-clean. When it gets dirty, my tendency is to just throw up my hands and be done with it. Let the tornado come! I am never going to clean again! The extreme clean aint happening with toddlers, and the messy mess is well, messy(and existent most of the time).

Example 2:Creative Memories.

In my life as a sales person so far, I have discovered that I am a wretchid, rotten salesperson. This is mostly because I have a hard time separating my emotions from the business side of things. This is one of those businesses that in order to sustain it, you really have to go at it. Well, after going at it for awhile, I get depressed when it isn't turning out just right. My inclination? Walk away. Break the wrist and walk away. This is no way to go about things I am convinced.

Example 3: ummmm

Okay, well there is no example three. Well, okay, Christmas Decorations. Right now, I have one measly little light up tree in my front window. It looks kinda silly. All out there alone, a sort of half hearted, cheapo way of showing my neighbors my holiday spirit. It is pitiful. I am either going to take it down, or find a way to decorate the front of our house like a landing strip. Just no in between, folks.

What is my problem? I am constantly going from one extreme to the other. Can you tell I am not having a great day? Maybe tomorrow I'll be cheery and happy. Maybe tomorrow I'll be bluer than bluey blue. Maybe tomorrow we'll make a million dollars, and then I can be a lady of leisure and get a maid. Maybe tomorrow.... Well, you get it. Unknown. Wild.

Any ideas on getting some balance here?


Heather said...

Argh, I am with you on the all or nothing thing. I can't seem to find a balance. If I weren't such a perfectionist when I do get started, maybe I'd find it easier to do something most of the way. :) I need advice, too!

Kathryn Thompson said...

I think you have to become a man. Men can go to bed right in the middle of a project. They can work along slowly instead of having bursts of creative energy. They can remain emotionally detached, dang them. Yes, definitely become a man.

Stephanie said...

Oh, Daring One.

Teach me your ways of wit.

The only problem wiht becoming a man would be the insensitivity thing. Sure we could do all those things, but we wouldn't be able to sympathize with each other any more.