Monday, January 09, 2006

Again with the Sentiments

Well, there are days like today, and there are days like, well, today actually.

There are days like today when my neighbor calls me up randomly and offers to watch my kids because I am pregnant, and I feel like I love living here and I never want to move away.

And then there are days like today when I call up the Daring One on the phone and afterwards feel like I would give anything to live in the Rainy Place. I want to drop in semi-uninvited to the Daring One's condo and sit on her sofa while Reenie and E play with Laylee and Magoo, and we chat about random nothings.

There are days like today, and there are days like today.

I am sorry that this is becoming a theme lately. It must be the winter, and the fact that it's been almost a year since we moved. And I am pregnant and hormonal. I know (logically) that if we moved back to the Rainy Place that things would not be perfect. When I moved there the first time I missed Provo, you know. Although, missing Provo was a passing, "I don't have friends here yet" kind of feeling. Missing the Rainy Place is an ache. A pain that goes away, but always seems to come back from time to time to remind me of what I can't have.

I think I am going to start planning a Spring Break to the Rainy Place so I can get some closure on this nonsense.


Kathryn Thompson said...

There never was much closure, no real goodbyes. I think that would be a great idea.

Also, next time we talk, I'll try to be a lame-o jerk so you'll wish you'd never lived here. :)

Stephanie said...

Thanks. :)