Thursday, January 19, 2006

Photo of the Day

Yes, this is my tub. Don't worry, the black stuff on the walls is tub crayons and not mildew or something else detestable. And yes, that is underwear floating in the lower right corner. It is E's underwear, I can't remember if it was him or Reenie who put it in there, but it was Reenie who had lots of fun dropping it and flinging it all over the place.

Yesterday, while I was on the phone I heard the tub water running. I went in the bathroom to see E sitting in the tub, naked, with the water going. Apparently, he wanted an afternoon bath. So he got one. Reenie of course, wanted in on the action, so she also had a bath. This is what the tub looked like after that particular occasion.


WarriorWife said...

I've never heard of tub crayons. Do they come in different colors? Are they hard to clean up?
And was that clean underwear the kids were playing with or not? Never mind, I probably don't want to know. :)

Stephanie said...

All colors.

Not too hard to clean.

Not sure about the undies.

WarriorWife said...

Maybe I should get me some.

(of the crayons, not the questionable undies)