Thursday, January 19, 2006

If I Buy Your Stuff, Will You Go Away?

Okay, so door to door sales people....

I have a peep-hole now in my door, so you would think when I see an unfamiliar black man at my door that I would just not answer it, right? (I am not racist, by the way, I would be wary of an unknown white man during the day too...)

So, I am dumb and I open the door.

A salesman. Selling what? Selling this.

First he uses permanent pen on a cloth and then uses his magic cleaning spray to get it out. Then he picks up one of Charming's shoes and cleans gunk off of it with ease. Then he asks for problem spots in my house. I show him an orange carpet stain. Much of the stain comes up, but not all of it. He seems satisifed, but I am not necessarily. And yet I buy the stuff. It is concentrated and very expensive. But I buy it. Why?

Probably for the same reason I opened the door and let him in, in the first place.

And one thing I have noticed about these salesman types-- they have a constantly running mouth-- they crack less than funny jokes, and yet find themselves hilarious. It makes me feel a little awkward. And should I laugh? He doesn't seem to notice that I feel uncomfortable.

And he thought I was older than him. I of course was not. I guess he just assumed because I have two kids and a house that I must be old?

Whatever. It was weird, and yet the most exciting thing that has happened all day.

And now I have some new cleaning product, which appears to be doing a great job on my soap scum.


WarriorWife said...

You told him how old you were? I think a conversation moving from cleaning supplies to age would have made me uncomfortable too.
Wonder cleaner, huh?
I must admit I would be curious to find out how someone just starts going door to door with a wonder cleaner for a job?

Ortensia Norton said...

I have come to gain the confidence to say, "I'm really not interested, but thanks." And I am so sincere, that they know I am going to waste their time and if they persist I so nicely say that I really am busy. BUT THANKS!!

I can't beleive I ever learned to do it, but I did. YAHOO! (and not feel bad that I didn't help them make their fortunes.)

Kathryn Thompson said...

Arrrg! The salesmen! I will be posting soon about this. Dan and I got hosed. We're seriously considering legal action. So lame.