Friday, January 06, 2006

The Morning Show with Reenie and E

Reenie said her first semi-sentence this morning at 5 am! The conversation went like this:

Me: Okay, Reenie, it's time to get back in your crib and go to sleep.

Reenie: (Does a monkey grip on me)

Me: Come on, honey. Why don't you want to go to bed?

Reenie: Seep wif Dahee. (Translation: I want to sleep with Daddy. In your bed, please.)

Me: You want to sleep with Daddy?

Reenie: Yeth. (Yes)

So then this morning Charming sends her in to me saying she needs a diaper change. She walks in grabbing at her diaper saying "Poop."

So I change her, and while I am changing her, E and I have this conversation:

E: Eeeww, poopy.

Me: Yep.

E: Got weiner?

Me: No, Reenie doesn't have a weiner. She has... umm... girl parts.

E: Eeeew! Yucky!!! ( I would hope he meant the poop...)

So that's been our morning. An exciting day to come, I am sure!

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