Thursday, January 05, 2006

No Nausea Happy Happy Resolutions

The Daring One has asked me to "stop barfing and post again," so here I am.

I am actually not barfing. In fact, aside from a few stretching pains and mild nausea, I don't even really feel pregnant. My appetite is voracious, but if I had not seen that positive test, I think I still might not believe it. Now you may hate me for this "easiness of the way", but please don't-- it probably means I'll have a fussy newborn or something else equally unfun. That, and if this pregnancy follows the pattern of the previous two, I will probably have some bedrest time near the end.

Well, so we got back from Florida last night. Despite having a cold and a stuffy ear the entire trip, I had a wonderful time there. Lots of people, lots of stuff, and everytime a mess was made, it got magically cleaned up-- and usually not by me. I was never lonely and the kids got lots of attention.

That said-- I am Oh. So. Glad. To be HOME. When I walked into our clean house last night I inhaled the new paint smell that often returns after a trip, and just felt so happy. I love, love, love, LOVE our house. We are so blessed, I can't believe that I have ever had times where I have thought our house was not as big or as good as someone elses. It is just right for us, and I am so grateful to have it. Happy, happy, happy. It's a mess again today, but I am so thrilled to be able to make messes in it.

And now, to keep myself more accountable, a few of my New Year's Goals and Resolutions:

1. Play with my kids and do housework BEFORE I blog-- this may also mean no internet during the day, sorry...
2. Finish the novel I started for NANOWRIMO
3. Eat healthier-- IE more vegetables, one at lunch, two at dinner
4. Have family scripture study every day
5. Get myself to bed earlier, so I can get up earlier and start my day better
6. Serve my friends better (For the Mormons-- better visiting teaching)
7. Record a CD (I say this one every year, by the way, and have not done it yet)
8. Have more financial self control (We do pretty well-- no consumer debt, but I could do better and we could SAVE more)
9. Take one "fun for the kids" outing/field trip a month
10. In general, do more fun stuff with the kids

Not too daunting I don't think.

And by the way, Charming said we could look into getting a dog!!! Yea!!!!!


Erin said...

You still want a dog? Wow! Good for you. I think I have my hands full now just trying to potty train S and make B happy from the lack of attention because of S and no diapers. The last thing I would want to do is potty train a dog and also have to deal with a pregnancy. I guess I don't have my life under as much control.
As for the pregnancy thing, I was NEVER sick thank goodness with either of my kids. With S I had one day where I threw up, I think because of something I ate, and with B I thiknk I had a day for I don't know why. No food tasted or sounded good towards the end of the first and beginning of the second trimester. And I didn't really every feel pregnant unless I felt them kick, and most people were surprised to find out I was pregnant even with a few months to go. I hid it well. So why am I telling you this. I had GREAT pregnancies, better than most, and my kids were great infants. S NEVER cried! And B cries more than S but not as much as most infants. So you can not feel pregnant and still have good babies, if you are lucky! ;)

Ortensia Norton said...

I am so HAPPY you aren't sick. I wish healthy and happy days for EVERYONE who is pregnant.

Man, everyone has a resolution to blog AFTER other things and here I am at 11am. Oh well.

And about that super cheap shirt, it's been a long time coming. I don't think that has happened in over 3 years...the "it's already a FANTASTIC price but when I got to the counter they took $50 off". Maybe it's your turn next:-)

Heather said...

Man, I'm glad for you not barfing. I was a puking maniac when I was pregnant with Ellie. At this point, I'd even welcome the puking if I could just be pregnant. :) Ask me when I am pregnant if I still mean it. :)

Stephanie said...

HW-- Glad to hear sickness does not equal bad babies.

Oh and I don't think we'll get a puppy, although I imagine they would be easier to toilet train than little boys!

Kathryn Thompson said...

We're totally working on the early to bed, early to rise thing. Good luck.